The Global Green Charter
The Global Green Charter was drafted and signed at the first global gathering of the Green Parties from all around the world in Canberra, Australia in 2001.
This Charter is presently one of the most progressive documents ever drafted towards the hope of achieving a just society and an ecologically sustainable economic system, and it is proposed here as an overarching policy guideline for IQELA LENTSANGO: The Dagga Party of South Africa.
I was extremely privileged to be able to participate actively in the drafting of the Charter when I and my partner represented the (now defunct) Green Party of South Africa at the global gathering. This event remains as one of the highlights of my political quest and it has always been my hope to share the spirit of the Global Green Charter with my fellow South Africans.
The Global Green Charter is therefore presented here to the supporters of the Dagga Party for consideration as a policy document.
The Dagga Party of South Africa will canvas its supporters for formal ratification of the acceptance for the Global Greens Charter and for permission to apply for membership of the Global Greens Network.
Download the GlobalGreensCharter2001